Hi Visitor ! Welcome !
This website could be considered as my memorybox or toolbox for my everyday working life. I was tired of searching again and again the same things online: “How to install tensorflow with CUDA”, “animation matplotlib”, “multiprocessing python”, etc… things I already did a lot of times but because of the time elapsed in between each project I just forget it. So now, everytime I’m learning something new and I know I might be led to using it in the future, I will try to add it here.
For each page in this documentation, instead of a full explanation, most of the time, I’m trying to write a simple example that helps understanding the basics.
I used the Sphinx documentation Generator because it’s easy to use and it generates a refine and clear documentation, especially when using the Read the Docs Theme.
I’m working on Linux (Ubuntu based) machines, so there might be errors on Windows for some codes if there are OS features dependencies.
Since the emergence of large language models such as chatGPT by openai, I’m using it a lot to help me to write the pages more quickly, but I’m making sure the codes provided by these models are working and I’m double checking the information provided when it’s necessary.
Please feel free to contact me if:
You spotted mistakes
You saw part of a code not optimized at all
I forgot to quote sources
Whatever other reasons :)
You can contact me via LinkedIn (or via Gitlab if it’s related to the content of this website). You can also get my email in my CV below:
(PDF Embedded with the sphinx extension sphinxcontrib-pdfembed)
- Asynchronous Programming
- Plots
- OpenCV
- Machine Learning
- String Formatting
- Dates
- Shapely
- Path Manipulations
- Get path of the current script
- Get path of the python interpreter
- Get Current Working Directory
- Change Working Directory
- Get absolute path
- Get parent path
- Join path
- Check if the path is an existing file/folder
- Create a directory even if it already exists
- Get extension
- Get string filepath from a pathlib.Path object
- Iterate over all files in a folder
- Resolve path using pattern expansion (“?”, “*”, “[]”, “**”) using glob
- Example - Typical use case
- Conda
- Multi-Processing & Threading
- Timer
- Classes
- Argument Parser
- CSV & Excel
- Logging
- Fourier Transform
- Google Earth
- Typing
- Notebook
- Binary file Manipulation
- Netcdf
- Audio Processing
- Useful Links
- Divers
- Shebang line
- Xarray
- Dict of List TO/FROM List of Dict
- Reduce
- Bisect
- Flatten a multi-dimensional array except the last dimension
- Flatten only the first N dimensions of an array
- Convert a 2D array to a list of tuples
- Duplicate an array to create a 2D array
- Measuring time elapsed
- Progress bar
- Star and double star operators
- Conversion of Earth coordinate systems
- Running a OS command / subprocess
- NamedTuple
VS Code