Create an environment
conda create -n myenv python=3.6 scipy=0.15.0 numpy
Create an environment from an environment file:
conda env create -f environment.yml
You can create the environment file from an existing environment using the command:
conda env export > environment.yml
Exemple of an environment file:
name: myenv
- conda-forge
- anaconda
- python=3.6
- bokeh=0.9.2
- numpy=1.9.*
- nodejs>=0.10.*
- conda-forge::matplotlib
- anaconda::numpy
- flask
- pip
- pip:
- Flask-Testing
- package_name==2.3.0
PATH: "/example/additional/path:$PATH"
Delete an environment
conda remove --name myenv --all
List the environments
conda info --envs
View the list of packages in an environment
conda list -n myenv
Search for package availables
conda search -f package_name
Install a specific package
conda install [-c channel_name] package_name
Remove a specific package
conda remove [--force] package_name
Use the –force argument to remove only the package without removing its dependencies.
Configure your environment with .condarc
You can get info on your settings using the following command
conda info
To update the default path of the folder where the environments will be created you can edit the envs_dirs variable in your your .condarc using the following syntax: (You may need to update the pkgs_dirs if you don’t have write access to the packages directory)
- ~/.conda/envs # The first path will be the one chosen by default to create new environments
- /data/envs
- ~/.conda/pkgs
(More infos on condarc here:
Official Conda Documentation