Basic Git Commands

Installing Git:

sudo apt install git

Global setup:

git config --global "Nicolas DEJAX"
git config --global ""

Push an existing folder to a newly created empty repository:

cd existing_folder
git init --initial-branch=main
git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main

Get the list of commits

git log --oneline # --all for more intermediate garbage commits

Undo uncommitted changes

# Safe: Back to the last local commit
git stash -u
# NOT Safe: Back to the last local commit
git reset --hard HEAD
# Back to the last remote commit
git reset --hard origin/main


git reset does not remove new created files (untracked file), you can run git clean -f -d to also get rid of untracked files.

Undo a git add command

# Cancel all added changes
git reset --mixed
# Remove a specific file
git reset specific_file.txt
# or
git restore --staged specific_file.txt

Cancel 1 or more last commit(s)

# Commit not published yet: all changes are lost
git reset --hard 0d1d7fc32

# Commit already published: cancel commit(s) with a new commit
# Last 2 commits
git revert HEAD~2..HEAD
# OR
git revert a867b4af 25eee4ca


Create a new branch, make changes & merge it

What we want to do here:

  1. Create a branch “branch_A_ft1” from “branch_A”

  2. Do some modification on “branch_A_ft1”

  3. Push the the branch “branch_A_ft1” on remote

  4. Merge the branch “branch_A_ft1” in “branch_A”

  5. Delete the feature branch if necessary on local and remote

# Let's say we are currently on branch main, and there is an existing branch called "branch_A"

# Create a branch "branch_A_ft1" from "branch_A"
git checkout -b branch_A_ft1 branch_A

# Do some modification on "branch_A_ft1"
echo "New file Content" > file.txt
git add file.txt
git commit -m "New File"

# Push the the branch "branch_A_ft1" on remote
# ignore this step if you want to keep the branch local
git push -u origin branch_A_ft1

# Merge the branch "branch_A_ft1" in "branch_A"
git checkout branch_A
git merge branch_A_ft6

# Delete the feature branch fro local and remote repo
git branch -d branch_A_ft1
git push origin -d branch_A_ft1
