

import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np

root = nc.Dataset("", mode='w')

# Attributes
root.history = "Created on June 13th 2022"
root.cycles = [1, 2, 3, 8, 9]

# Dimensions
len_time = 10
len_wf = 128
root.createDimension("time", len_time)
root.createDimension("index_waveform", len_wf)

# You can define a dimension value
time = root.createVariable("time", np.float64, ("time", ))
time.calendar = "Gregorian"
time.coordinates = "longitude latitude"
time.leap_second = "0000-00-00_00:00:00"
time.long_name = "time in TAI"
time.standard_name = "time"
time.tai_utc_difference = 37.
time.units = "seconds since 2000-01-01 00:00:00"
time[:] = np.arange(len_time)

# 1D Variable
latitude = root.createVariable("latitude", np.int32, ("time", ), fill_value=-2147483648)
latitude.scale_factor = 1.e-06
latitude.comment = "Latitude of measurement [-90, +90]. Positive latitude is North latitude, negative latitude is South latitude"
latitude.coordinates = "longitude latitude"
latitude.long_name = "latitude"
latitude.standard_name = "latitude"
latitude.units = "degrees_north"
latitude[:] = np.random.rand(len_time) * 180 - 90

# 2D Variable
waveform = root.createVariable("waveform", np.float64, ("time", "index_waveform", ))
waveform.comment = "Waveform computed on board (acquired from the table)"
waveform.long_name = "waveform computed on board"
waveform.standard_name = "wf_lrm_board"
waveform[:] = np.random.random((len_time, len_wf))

# Create a group
group_one = root.createGroup("group_one")

# You can add a variable in this group using a dimenion created in the parent group
longitude = group_one.createVariable("longitude", np.int32, ("time", ), fill_value=-2147483648)
longitude.scale_factor = 1.e-06
longitude.comment = "Longitude of measurement [0, 360). East longitude relative to Greenwich meridian"
longitude.coordinates = "longitude latitude"
longitude.long_name = "longitude"
longitude.standard_name = "longitude"
longitude.units = "degrees_east"
longitude[:] = np.random.rand(len_time) * 360

# Variable with add_offset
var_x = group_one.createVariable("var_x", np.int8, ("time", ), fill_value=-128)
var_x.add_offset = 100
var_x.scale_factor = 1.e-01
# This netcdf variable accepts values in the range [100 - 2**7 * 0.1 ; 100 + (2**7 - 1) * 0.1]
# All values out of this range won't be encoded correctly
var_x_values = 100 + (np.random.rand(len_time) - 0.5) * 256 * 1e-1
# UNSAFE: This value WON'T be automatically masked if var_x_values is not a masked array
var_x_values[0] = np.nan
var_x_values =
var_x_values.mask = np.zeros(len_time, dtype=bool)
# SAFE: This value WILL be masked
var_x_values.mask[1] = True
var_x[:] = var_x_values

# A group can have its own dimension or override a parent dimension
group_one.createDimension("dim_0", 100)



import netCDF4 as nc
import numpy as np

root = nc.Dataset("", mode='r')

# Read an attribute
history = root.history

# Read a variable
latitude = np.array(root["latitude"])

# Read a variable in a group
longitude = np.array(root["group_one"]["longitude"])

longitude = np.array(root["group_one"]["var_x"])



Valid range of fill_value:
* [-2 ** (N-1) : (2 ** (N-1)) - 1] for signed type
* [0 : (2 ** N) - 1] for unsigned type
With N = Number of bits

The use of attributes (add_offset) and (scale_factor) set the lower and upper limits of the encoded variable, as well as its resolution.
By default (add_offset = 0).
For example, if we choose an unsigned integer on 16 bits (np.uint16) with a scale factor of 1e-2 (scale_factor=1e-2) and an offset of 100 (add_offset=100), then the valid range is:
[100 - 0 * 1e-2: 100 + ((2**16) - 1) * 1e-2] = [100 : 755.35]


If the input contains NaN values, it won’t be automatically masked when writting the netcdf variable unless the input is a masked array (see the example above, weird behavior). It is safer to explicitly mask the required sample of the input array before writting it in the netcdf file.